Type 2 Diabetes Its Major Causes and Symptoms

Type 2 diabetes is also known by the names type 2 diabetes mellitus, non insulin dependent diabetes, adult onset diabetes or just diabetes. It is due body not processing and using carbohydrates, proteins and fats effectively.

Diabetes is a condition where the body cannot regulate the blood glucose levels. The food we eat is converted to sugar in the liver and pass with blood to different parts of the body. The main function of insulin is to allow glucose to pass in to fats, muscles and liver where it can be stored as energy.

When the insulin production is low or the receptors of the cells do not react to the insulin produced this condition is commonly referred as type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is due to insulin resistance. Here the insulin is produced excessively such that it affects its own production.

Pancreas consists of four types of cells which are collectively known as Islet of Langerhans. Among these cells the beta cells are responsible for secretion for insulin. People who are type 2 diabetic are generally above 40 years of age and above. And 95 percent people who are with diabetes are type 2 diabetic.

Diagnosis of Diabetes

Diabetes is diagnosed by blood glucose levels. The blood test is done after fasting overnight. The normal range should be in between 70 to 100 mg/dL. If the blood glucose level is higher than 125mg/dL than person is diagnosed with diabetes.
Adult onset diabetes symptoms are 

Increase in urination

Excessive Hunger

Excessive thirst

Unexplained weight loss

Increased susceptibility to infections.

Type 2 diabetes is serious and proper care should be taken, if not it affects all parts of the body. The diabetes complications are

Nerve Damage : It is nerve damage. The longest nerves in the body are damaged that causes numbness in feet and tingling sensation. It also affects various other functions like digestion, sexual function and urination.

Foot issues: Sores and blisters appear on foot which is mainly due to nerve damage which causes numbness in feet. There is irritation in skin and break down of skin causes ulcers. Blood circulation is low and wound healing is very poor.

Nephropathy: Kidneys are damaged due to high blood sugar levels.

Retinopathy: Tiny blood vessels are damaged at the back of the eye due to high blood sugar levels. It can be minimized by controlling blood sugar levels. Untreated retinopathy leads to permanent blindness.

Type 2 diabetes can be controlled and prevented unlike type 1 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes insulin doses are a must. Type 2 diabetic people need to take foods i.e. fruits and vegetables rich in fiber content. Physical activities are a must for diabetic person.
Find tips to treat adult onset diabetes symptoms properly.