Diabetes major signs and symptoms

Diabetes is a chronic disease meaning never ending disease or life long disease. Diabetes is an ancient disease which was less common earlier among men but now it has become a most common disease in people. People have misconceptions that more intakes of sugar contents leads to diabetes, and diabetes is contagious i.e someone with diabetes can pass on it to other like viral fevers, but it is not true. It comes to an individual for many other reasons like

Increasing age
Cow's milk given to young infants
Physically inactive
Low production of insulin in the body

Cells failing to react with the insulin produced in the body causing the beta cells in the pancreas to create more and more insulin which may cause a halt in insulin production known as insulin resistance.

Generally diabetes is a condition where there is high blood glucose level in the body. This high blood glucose level is harmful. It remains in the blood. This condition is known as glucose toxicity. The glucose in the blood is not converted to energy and the person feels weak and due to the presence of high glucose, the glucose is passed out in the urination.

The major Diabetes signs and symptoms are

Increased urination

Frequent thirst
Tingling sensation in legs and hands
Numbness in feet
Unexplained weight loss

In high warning signs of diabetes the symptoms include

Poor wound healing
Change in mental state
Blurry vision
Nausea and vomiting
Heart attacks
Abdominal pains
If diagnosed with any of the following symptoms people instead of hiding and keeping them so that they may become worse, should start consulting a Doctor and follow his advices.

Diabetes can cured if the diabetic person does not hesitate in participating in physical activity. The physical activities may be running, skipping, swimming or any other which he/she feels convenient in it or practicing it for long time and had stopped in the recent past. The individual should be active monitoring his/her weight regularly. If diagnose by diabetes people should stop intake any kinds of sugary content they may be fluids too. Follow the medications prescribed by the Doctor. If the medication is Insulin as in many cases, it should be taken accordingly. To conclude I quote here a famous proverb "Where there is a will there is a way".
Read more information on diabetes signs and symptoms