Diabetes and its major types

 Diabetes is mainly classified into two types. The diabetes which is more common among young adults and teenagers is Type 1 diabetes or Juvenile diabetes or IDDM(Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus).

 The diabetes which comes after an age of more than 45 years is Adult Onset diabetes or Type 2 diabetes. The exact reason for both the types of diabetes is still unknown.

The major causes for the type 1 diabetes include genetics and autoimmune system of the body, which destroys the insulin creating cells of the pancreas i.e., beta cells.

The main function of insulin is it lowers the amount of glucose in the blood by storing it as energy in the cells. If there is no insulin the glucose levels in the body becomes extreme and this is known as glucose toxicity which is a life threatening issue. If the insulin secretion comes to halt the diabetes created is Type 1. persons suffering from it need to take insulin injection doses daily 4 to 5 times as prescribed by the physician.

The cause for type 2 diabetes is mainly age factor, changes in lifestyle, food choices.

People suffering from diabetes also shows signs of depression. Depression symptoms include feeling sad, sleeping problems, thoughts of suicides, unable to concentrate.
Know more diabetes signs and symptoms

The other important type of diabetes is Gestational diabetes which occurs to women during pregnancy. It generally commences during the second half of the pregnancy. Most people have a misconception that diabetes mother giving birth to diabetes child, but this is not so.

But the new born may develop diabetes if he/she doesn’t takes care of his health properly.

Diabetes is generally diagnosed by Urine and Blood tests. Urine test shows glucose in urine and blood test is of three types in all the three types the blood glucose level is above the normal level. Now if a person is diagnosed with diabetes what he/she needs to do?.

The first thing is don't panic, try to be positive.

Take insulin doses as prescribed by the doctor.

Cut down food content which is highly rich in carbohydrates, fats and sugar. which may increase the cholesterol level in the body.

Instead of them take content rich in fiber.

The reason is that the contents rich in fiber slows down the production of glucose. which maintains the blood glucose level in the body.

Diabetes if untreated or left carelessly may lead to serious complications and may lead to death.

Find out 20+ diabetes signs and symptoms and avoid the major diabetes complication issues.