Major Causes Of Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot regulate the amount of glucose The food we eat is converted to glucose in the liver and is circulated through blood. This glucose gives us energy to perform various actions like running, jogging, skipping and doing other various kinds of aerobic exercises.

The glucose is regulated in a healthy person by a hormone known as Insulin which is secreted by pancreas. Pancreas have four types of cells among which beta cells are responsible for secretion of insulin. The function of insulin is to act as key and move glucose from blood into muscles and fat cells where it is used as fuel or energy.

Diabetes is mainly classified into two types namely type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes or Insulin dependent diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is also known as Adult onset diabetes or Non insulin dependent diabetes.

:The main diabetes causes are

Hereditary reasons: Blood relationship plays a vital role, if mother is diabetic the chances that children are diabetic are low. If father is diabetic, the chances for children to be diabetic are more.

Age: Age is an important factor as people who are above 50 years of age are more prone to diseases. So Diabetes is more seen in aged people compared to younger ones. 85% of people who are diabetic are above 50 years of age.

Unbalanced diet: Intake of Unbalanced diet in the sense which is poor in nutrition leads to diabetes.

Stagnated lifestyle: People who are more sedentary in their lifestyle have diabetes compared with people who exercise at least twice in a week.

Stress and Hypertension: It may be one of the reasons for diabetes as it cause emotional disturbance to life.

Drugs: Side effects of drugs also leads to diabetes.

The juvenile diabetes symptoms and type 2 diabetes symptoms are almost similar.

Autoimmune system of human body is responsible for type 1 diabetes. The autoimmune system consists of antibodies which destroys the beta cells of the pancreas which are responsible for secretion of insulin. But why this happens is still unknown.

The other important reasons related to causes of diabetes Type 1 includes

Infections with special kind of bacteria

Exposure to food borne chemical toxins

Exposure of a young infant to cow's milk